Thursday, November 02, 2006

Went out last night for dinner (no I cannot afford dinner- my parents were in the city...)
So I didn't make anything, but I will tell you a little about what I do for breakfast each day.
I might not be a health nut, but since I sit at my desk all day doing nothing I figure I might as well eat healthy - otherwise I will be able to add 'fat' to young and broke in NYC...
I figure I eat for less than $1 a day for breakfast - though on fridays I do get an egg and cheese on a roll from the deli..
I buy 'egg beaters' at the store - they are basically egg whites in a box. Sounds gross but they really aren't too bad - I add some 2& reduced fat shredded cheddar to it when I cook it, some pepper and hot sauce, and it's pretty good! A box is like $2.95 and will give me at least 4 normal sized servings.
I also buy turkey bacon - again, its not so bad, much healthier than regular bacon, and gives you something to eat other than the 'eggs'.
Since I hate mornings and try to sleep as late as possible, I usually cook these at night and put them in a tupperware container- try NOT to overcook things since you will be microwaving them when you get to work!
If I'm not in the mood to make that at night, I usually eat a bowl of oatmeal. I used to buy the 'kids' kind of oatmeal (you know, strawberries n' cream, etc) but realized that they had a disgusting amount of sugar in them! Now I buy McCann's Instant Irish Oatmeal - it has some brown sugar in it, but not too much - and has pretty good flavors like Apple Cinnamon, etc.
By the way, when I do splurge (my god do I need to make money...) on a $2.74 egg and cheese on a roll, I usually get two eggs, and ask for ONE slice of american cheese. You won't miss the extra 2 or 3 slices of cheese that they will slap on there, but you will save like 30% of your daily fat intake!
I figure that the healthier I eat during the week, the less I have to worry about it on the weekends- and I do NOT worry about what I eat then... I find that I am never 'craving' anything and I have stayed in relatively the same shape since college just by cutting calories during the week when I can, and eating well balanced meals - and then not caring at all on the weekends (or god forbid thanksgiving or christmas dinner). I get sick when I see magazines showing ways to 'cut down on calories during your thanksgiving meal!' - my god you shouldn't have to do that people! Just have some common sense when you eat 90% of the time and you will NEVER have any problems (well medical issues aside of course...)!

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